The Tropical Blog
MAY 25TH, 2023
Are you looking for the best type of insulation for your attic? Well, that depends on your specific goals. And your environment matters too! But most importantly, it’s essential to align your expectations with your budget. Often the best insulation costs more, either in materials...
APRIL 6TH, 2023
The Home Efficiency Rebate (H.E.R. program) is expanding in Ontario to include more projects and more people. Home energy rebates are a great way for homeowners to save money on their energy bills and improve the overall efficiency of their homes. One of the key...
MARCH 28TH, 2023
Imagine a world where humanity, technology, and nature live in harmony: where the energy that we use is precious and preserved, not wasted. That is the world that climate leaders like Tropical Insulation and savvy homeowners like yourself are working to achieve through innovations like...
As more homeowners become environmentally conscious, they seek ways to reduce their carbon footprint. One way to do this is through cellulose insulation. In this article, we’ll explore the environmental impact of cellulose insulation and how it’s helping homes go green. We’ll also discuss how...
JANUARY 20TH, 2023
As winter approaches, savvy homeowners start to consider the many tasks required to keep their houses warm and dry. This involves many jobs, from shutting off external pipes to gutter cleaning. One of the reasons we do this is to prevent ice dams, a process...