How Cellulose Insulation is Made: High Performance Eco-Friendly Insulation


Have you ever wondered how something as simple as shredded paper can transform into an effective and eco-friendly insulation material for your home? Welcome to the fascinating world of cellulose insulation!


Join us today as we take a scientific look at how cellulose insulation is made, from recycled paper to a high-performance solution that enhances your home’s comfort and energy efficiency.

What is Eco-Friendly Insulation?

An eco-friendly insulation is a building material that prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility by utilizing renewable resources and reducing waste. With this in mind, cellulose insulation is a sustainable and energy-efficient solution for insulating residential and commercial buildings. Cellulose insulation is an eco-conscious choice as it primarily consists of recycled materials, specifically post-consumer paper waste. Additionally, cellulose excels in exceptional thermal performance, soundproofing capabilities, and fire resistance.

Sustainable Insulation Begins with the Materials

The journey of cellulose insulation begins with an abundant and readily available resource: recycled paper. Post-consumer paper products, such as newspapers, magazines, and cardboard, come from various sources. The key advantage here is that recycling this paper waste helps reduce landfill usage, conserves resources, and minimizes the environmental impact associated with the disposal of paper products.

Once collected, the paper waste undergoes a grinding process. The goal is to break down the paper into smaller, finer fibres. This transformation makes the material easier to mix and process later in the production cycle. These finely ground paper fibres make up the primary raw material used in cellulose insulation.

Fire Retardants and Pest Deterrents

To enhance the performance and durability of cellulose insulation, the ground paper fibres are often treated with fire retardants and pest deterrents. Fire retardants are crucial, as they provide cellulose insulation with a high degree of fire resistance. This treatment ensures that cellulose insulation meets stringent safety standards for fire protection.


Pest deterrents, typically borate compounds, help repel insects, rodents, and other pests. Borates are naturally occurring minerals that are safe for humans and pets but act as a barrier against unwanted intruders in your home’s insulation. You can learn more about the soundproof and pest-resistant qualities of cellulose here.

The Mixing Process

The treated, finely ground paper fibres are then mixed with an adhesive material. Borate compounds are frequently used as the adhesive due to their adhesive properties and their role as a pest deterrent. The adhesive helps bind the fibres together, creating a cohesive and dense insulation material.

Drying the Mixture

The blended mixture is then dried to remove excess moisture. Proper drying is essential to ensure that the cellulose insulation material remains stable and consistent. The drying process also helps activate the fire retardant and pest deterrent properties, enhancing the insulation’s overall performance.

Shredding and Fluffing

Following drying, the mixture is shredded and fluffed. This mechanical process creates the characteristic texture and consistency of cellulose insulation. The end result is a light, fluffy, and easily workable insulation material ready for installation.

Installing Cellulose Insulation in Your Home

Cellulose insulation is known for its versatility and ease of installation. It can be blown, sprayed, or poured into wall cavities, attics, and other areas of a building. Once installed, cellulose insulation effectively slows down the transfer of heat, helping maintain comfortable indoor temperatures year-round.

Why Cellulose is an Eco-Friendly Insulation

One of the most significant advantages of cellulose insulation is its positive impact on the environment. This eco-friendly insulation option offers several environmental benefits:

Recycled Content: Cellulose insulation primarily consists of from recycled paper waste, reducing the demand for new resources and minimizing landfill waste.

Renewable Resource: Paper, the primary component of cellulose insulation, derives from a renewable resource – trees. Responsible forestry practices ensure a sustainable and renewable source of cellulose insulation material.

Energy Efficiency: By providing effective thermal insulation, cellulose insulation reduces the energy consumption of buildings, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Non-Toxic and Safe: Cellulose insulation is non-toxic and safe for both installers and occupants. It contains no harmful chemicals or irritants, ensuring a healthy indoor environment.

Versatility: Cellulose insulation is suitable for a wide range of applications, from retrofitting existing homes to insulating new construction. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice for various building types.

Contact Us Today For Your Next Eco-Friendly Insulation Project

Cellulose insulation, made from recycled paper waste, is a testament to the power of sustainable building practices. Not only does it contribute to eco-conscious construction, but it also enhances home comfort and energy efficiency.

As you explore insulation options for your home or project, consider the many benefits of cellulose insulation – a responsible choice for homeowners and industry professionals alike. Opting for cellulose insulation means you’re not only making your space more comfortable but also actively participating in the preservation of our planet’s resources. It’s insulation that makes a difference – for you and the environment.


The Exponential Benefits of Cellulose Insulation

Are you ready to transform your home’s climate control capabilities while also being environmentally conscious and saving money? Today, the cellulose insulation experts will reveal the astounding benefits of cellulose insulation, brought to you by Tropical Insulation!

Top 5 Benefits of Cellulose Revealed

When it comes to insulating your home, making the right choice is essential. Tropical Insulation, a leader in cellulose insulation, understands the importance of selecting the right insulation material.


Here, we’ll explore the benefits of cellulose and discuss what makes it the optimal choice for your remodelling project. So, keep reading!

1. Energy Efficiency Boost

Cellulose insulation plays a pivotal role in enhancing energy efficiency, making it a top choice for many homeowners. By reducing heating and cooling costs, it offers substantial savings on energy bills. Its superior thermal resistance and heat retention properties keep your home comfortable year-round, ensuring you stay cozy during the winter and cool during the summer.

2. Eco-Friendly Insulation

One of the standout features of cellulose insulation is its commitment to environmental sustainability. This insulation material is predominantly composed of recycled paper content, making it an eco-friendly choice. By opting for cellulose insulation, you contribute to sustainable building practices, reducing the demand for new raw materials and minimizing waste.


3. Superior Soundproofing

Cellulose insulation possesses a hidden talent that often goes unnoticed—it’s an excellent soundproofing material! Whether you’re trying to create a quiet oasis in a bustling city or reduce noise transmission within your commercial space, cellulose insulation has you covered. Its noise-reduction capabilities make it an ideal choice for music rooms, home theatres, and sound-sensitive environments.

4. Fire Resistance & Safety

Safety is a top priority for any building, and cellulose insulation excels in this regard. Cellulose insulation is non-combustible and often includes fire-resistant additives, ensuring that your home or business remains protected in the event of a fire. It meets the highest safety standards and complies with building codes, giving you peace of mind.


5. Versatility & Application

Cellulose insulation is incredibly versatile, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. In residential settings, it can be used in attics, walls, and crawl spaces, providing consistent thermal performance. However, its utility extends beyond residential spaces, as it’s also perfect for commercial and industrial buildings. Its adaptability makes it a reliable choice for various construction types.

Benefits of Cellulose Insulation Summary

Remodelling your home makes for the perfect opportunity to upgrade not just the aesthetics, functionality and sustainability of your home. While you’re making decisions about your new project, don’t overlook the significance of insulation in enhancing your home’s overall comfort and energy efficiency.

Energy Efficiency Boost: Traditional insulation materials like fibreglass and foam boards may provide some level of insulation, but cellulose insulation takes it a step further! With its remarkable thermal performance, cellulose insulation ensures your home stays cozy in the winter and cool in the summer. It helps reduce your energy consumption, leading to substantial cost savings on heating and cooling bills.

Eco-Friendliness: If you’re aiming for a more sustainable lifestyle, cellulose insulation is your ideal choice. Made from recycled paper or denim and treated with non-toxic fire retardants, it’s not just environmentally friendly; it actively contributes to reducing landfill waste. For this reason and many more, Tropical Insulation chooses cellulose, and so should you!

Soundproofing Superiority: One often overlooked aspect of insulation is its soundproofing capabilities. While other materials may dampen noise to some extent, cellulose insulation excels in reducing sound transmission, creating a more peaceful and serene living environment. Say goodbye to outside disturbances and hello to tranquillity!

Fire Resistance: Safety is paramount in any home. Cellulose insulation is naturally fire-resistant, providing an added layer of protection for your loved ones and belongings. Additionally, it’s treated with fire-retardant additives, making it an excellent choice for arid environments.

Versatility: Whether you’re remodelling your attic, walls, or crawl spaces, cellulose insulation adapts easily to various applications. Its versatility ensures that it can seamlessly integrate into your remodelling plans, making it an ideal choice for those looking for flexible insulation solutions.

Now that you have a firm understanding of the benefits of cellulose, let’s quickly compare it to traditional insulation materials.

Benefits of Cellulose VS Traditional Insulation Materials

When comparing cellulose insulation to traditional materials like fibreglass and foam boards, it’s clear that cellulose stands out in terms of energy efficiency, eco-friendliness, and soundproofing. While fibreglass and foam boards have their merits, they often fall short in providing the comprehensive benefits that cellulose insulation offers. After all, it’s the go-to choice for homeowners looking to upgrade their homes during remodelling, enhancing both comfort and sustainability.


So, if you’re embarking on a remodelling project, don’t miss the opportunity to upgrade your home’s insulation to cellulose. It’s the perfect time to invest in a more energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and comfortable living space. Soon, you’ll forget about high energy bills, noise disturbances, and safety concerns. Instead, you’ll walk into a home that’s truly cozy, sustainable, and peaceful!

Choose Tropical Insulation to Reap the Benefits of Cellulose

In your quest for the ultimate insulation solution, look no further than cellulose insulation from Tropical Insulation. Its impressive benefits, ranging from enhanced energy efficiency to exceptional soundproofing, prove that it’s not just insulation—it’s a game-changer for your comfort, savings, and the environment.


As you embark on your journey to a more energy-efficient and eco-friendly space, remember that Tropical Insulation is your trusted partner. Contact us today, and let’s transform your home or business with the remarkable power of cellulose insulation. Together, we’ll build a better, more comfortable future while safeguarding your budget and our planet.

Blown-In Cellulose Insulation Guide


Having found this gem of a guide, you are about to discover the ins and outs of blown-in cellulose insulation and our expertise at Tropical Insulation! At Tropical Insulation, we’re not just talking insulation; we’re talking blown-in cellulose insulation, a game-changer in the world of home comfort and energy efficiency.

Now, buckle up as we take you through the ins and outs of this exceptional insulation choice! By the end of this guide, you’ll fully understand whether to try your hand at a DIY or call in the pros to blow it in!

Understanding Blown-In Cellulose Insulation

Tropical Insulation proudly features blown-in cellulose insulation for the Canadian market. Why? Because we believe in its superiority over other insulation materials! But here’s the catch: improper installation can leave holes in your air seal and your wallet.blown-in-cellulose-insulation

So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of blown-in cellulose insulation, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck!

Why Choose Blown-In Cellulose?

Imagine a cozy blanket hugging your home’s nooks and crannies. That’s blown-in cellulose insulation for you! Installed using a blower machine, it’s expertly fluffed into attics, walls, and crawl spaces. This method ensures even distribution, covering every inch and curve, leaving no space for unwanted air leaks.


Blown-in cellulose insulation boasts a natural composition that sets it apart. Derived from recycled paper and treated for fire resistance, it’s an eco-friendly option that checks all the boxes.  Accordingly, once installed, it transforms into a dense barrier, offering top-notch insulation and soundproofing while promoting sustainability.insulation-guide

Air Sealing Qualities of Blown-In Cellulose Insulation

When it comes to air sealing, blown-in cellulose insulation takes the crown. Its ability to fill gaps, voids, and crevices creates a tight seal, preventing air infiltration. Say goodbye to those pesky drafts that sneak in through the tiniest openings! In short, you can enjoy a consistent indoor temperature and reduced energy consumption, all thanks to this insulation superhero.

Installation Process of Blown-In Cellulose

To prevent air leaks that lead to temperature fluctuations and higher energy costs, proper installation is paramount. Here’s the scoop on the essential steps:

  • Pre-Inspection: First, assess the area to identify potential trouble spots. How will you manage to fill tight corners and irregular shapes?
  • Preparation: Next, set up the blower machine and gather materials for a smooth installation. Conversely, get ready for some tough manual labour if you’ve decided to forgo the blower!
  • Blowing Process:  Now, you must expertly distribute the insulation using either the blower or your hands, to ensure comprehensive coverage. Watch as the cellulose quickly disappears into the gaps of your home, sealing the cold out, and creating the perfect indoor temperature.
  • Finishing Touches: Lastly, perform final checks and adjustments to seal the deal on insulation perfection. 

Does this sound doable in a DIY? If so, you probably have quite a repertoire of skills! And if not, the next section discusses the value of professional installation. Keep reading!

Benefits of Professional Installation

The million-dollar question: DIY or professional installation? Well, we’ve got the answers. While rental-blowing machines might tempt you, there’s no replacement for the expertise of trained professionals. Here’s why:

  • Expertise: Our installers come armed with knowledge and experience to ensure flawless insulation. No worry about air leaks required!
  • Proper Equipment: Specialized tools lead to efficient and effective installation. Why manually install insulation when you can have the pros blow it in?
  • Time and Efficiency: Professionals save you time, ensuring a quick and seamless process.
  • Blower Machine Rentals: Not ready for professional installation? Our blower machine rentals are at your service.

Have you ever heard the old expression, the only thing you must pay an expert to build or repair in your home is the bathroom? Well, you might want to consider adding insulation installation to this wisdom for the above reasons! And now that we understand why professional installation adds value to your home, let’s take a look at how cellulose insulation impacts your house as a whole!

Sustainability, Affordability, and Climate Control

Ah, the heart of the matter! Blown-in cellulose insulation doesn’t just stop at exceptional air sealing and professional installation benefits. After all, it’s a true game-changer that brings you a trio of advantages that will leave you nodding in approval.


  • Sustainability: Blown-in cellulose insulation is more than just a way to keep your home cozy; it’s a nod to Mother Earth herself. Crafted from recycled paper and treated for fire resistance, this insulation option reduces waste and supports sustainability. Therefore, by choosing blown-in cellulose, you’re making a conscious decision to lessen your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet.
  • Affordability: We get it – every investment comes with a price tag. But what if we told you that blown-in cellulose insulation is not just about upfront costs but long-term savings? Yes, it’s true. Its energy-efficient properties mean you’ll spend less on heating and cooling over time. Lower energy bills? That’s money back in your pocket, all thanks to this savvy insulation choice.
  • Climate Control: Picture a world where you don’t have to dread stepping from one room to another due to extreme temperature changes. With blown-in cellulose insulation, this becomes a reality. In fact, say goodbye to icy drafts and unbearable heat spots. This insulation solution ensures consistent indoor temperatures, giving you year-round comfort, no matter what the weather throws at you.

When it comes to selecting the right insulation for your home, it’s not just about keeping the cold at bay. Of course, it’s about creating an environment where sustainability, affordability, and climate control coexist harmoniously. Accordingly, blown-in cellulose insulation delivers on all fronts by offering you a home that’s energy-efficient, budget-friendly, and supremely comfortable!

Discover DIY Installation Tips and Insulation Blowing Machine Rentals at Tropical Insulation

Put concisely, blown-in cellulose insulation offers unmatched air sealing, professional installation benefits, and overall affordability. From cozy homes to energy savings and sustainability, blown-in cellulose remains a smart choice that elevates your living experience. On the other hand, DIY installation provides short-term savings and a fun project for you to master new skills with.

As we’ve discussed, Tropical Insulation is your go-to for expert blown-in cellulose insulation services. For this reason, you can elevate your insulation game with blown-in cellulose and embrace enhanced comfort, sustainability, and energy savings by contacting us here!

Cellulose Safety FAQ: Is Cellulose Insulation Safe?

Compared to other insulation materials, does cellulose insulation make a safe choice for your home or building? Understanding cellulose safety is crucial for occupant well-being and environmental sustainability is crucial when deciding between insulation materials.


So, let’s delve into the key aspects of cellulose safety! By addressing concerns about flammability, chemicals, and air quality, we’ll help you make the best possible choice for your next construction project.

Flammability: Is Cellulose Insulation Fire-Resistant?

Fire resistance is one of the most essential qualities in an insulation material. That’s why Tropical Insulation offers cellulose insulation treated with boric acid. Cellulose insulation exhibits excellent fire resistance due to its fire retardant treatment, which enhances its resistance to ignition and flame spread.


Unlike other materials, cellulose has slow-burning properties, smouldering rather than igniting, which reduces fire risks and ensures better containment in case of a fire incident. Rest assured, cellulose insulation meets or exceeds industry fire safety standards, providing peace of mind to homeowners and building occupants.

Chemical Safety

You may wonder how cellulose, an organic material, compares to other, often toxic, insulation materials. Cellulose insulation is derived from recycled paper and has minimal chemical content. It is a natural and non-toxic material, making it safe for your home or building.


Rigorous testing and certifications ensure that cellulose insulation complies with health and safety regulations, guaranteeing a safe environment for all. Moreover, cellulose insulation promotes healthy indoor air quality by minimizing the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other harmful substances.

Air Quality & Cellulose Safety

Cellulose insulation plays a significant role in improving indoor air quality and occupant well-being. Its effective air sealing creates a tight barrier, reducing air leakage and preventing the infiltration of pollutants. The moisture regulation properties of cellulose insulation help prevent mould and mildew growth, maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. Additionally, cellulose’s acoustic properties contribute to a quieter living or working space, enhancing overall comfort and well-being.

Quick Air Quality & Cellulose Safety Facts



  • Moisture Regulation: Cellulose’s ability to regulate moisture prevents the buildup of mould and mildew. Damp and mouldy environments can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems. With cellulose insulation, you can rest easy knowing that your indoor spaces are protected against moisture-related concerns.
  • Reduction of Airborne Allergens: Unlike some other insulation materials, cellulose does not release harmful fibres or particles into the air. This means that you and your family can breathe easier, free from potential allergens that might be present in other insulation options.
  • Thermal Insulation Benefits: In addition to promoting excellent indoor air quality, cellulose insulation also offers outstanding thermal performance. It helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature, keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
  • Energy Efficiency Improvements: By providing superior insulation, cellulose helps reduce energy consumption. This not only saves you money on utility bills but also contributes to a greener, more environmentally sustainable living space.

With these benefits, it’s clear that cellulose insulation not only ensures a safe living environment but also enhances your overall comfort and well-being. Say goodbye to drafts, moisture issues, and unwanted noise while enjoying improved air quality and energy efficiency in your home or building. Now, let’s compare cellulose insulation to other commonly used insulation materials to make an informed choice.

Comparing Insulation Materials & Cellulose Safety 

Now, let’s compare cellulose insulation to other popular insulation materials. Fibreglass insulation may be commonly used, but it lacks the fire resistance and chemical safety that cellulose offers. And when it comes to spray foam insulation, cellulose stands out with its environmentally friendly attributes and minimal health concerns. Furthermore, cellulose insulation provides excellent thermal performance and soundproofing capabilities, making it a top choice for homeowners and contractors alike.

Get Peace of Mind With Cellulose From Tropical Insulation

We have explored the safety aspects of cellulose insulation, covering fire resistance, chemical safety, improved air quality, and comparisons to other insulation materials. Choose Tropical Insulation for your insulation needs and ensure a safe, sustainable, and comfortable environment for your home or building. After all, with cellulose insulation, you can prioritize safety without compromising on performance, energy efficiency, and environmental responsibility. Now that’s a huge win for your next project!

So, with all that said, we hope that you understand all the amazing safety qualities of cellulose insulation! If you’re looking for more information on why we choose cellulose at Tropical Insulation, check out our article on noise and pest resistance here!


Cellulose Insulation: Soundproof and Pest Resistant!


Are you tired of dealing with noise disturbances and unwelcomed pests in your home? Look no further than Tropical Insulation, the experts in cellulose insulation. With its exceptional soundproof properties and natural pest resistance, cellulose insulation is the answer to creating a comfortable and secure living environment. 


So without further ado, let’s delve into how cellulose insulation excels in soundproofing. And for a bonus, we’ll discuss how it provides an effective defence against pests while exploring the science behind insulation’s soundproof capabilities.

Soundproof With Cellulose Insulation

Are your peace and quiet constantly disrupted by outside noises or sounds from adjacent rooms? Do you wake up to a morning leafblower or a noisy neighbour? Often soundproofing remains the last thing we think of when considering home insulation. But of course, cellulose insulation holds the secret to a quieter space! Thanks to its dense composition and ability to absorb sound waves, cellulose insulation excels in soundproofing. It acts as a barrier, preventing sound from easily travelling through walls and floors. 


So say goodbye to noisy footsteps, loud conversations, and unwanted outside noise intruding into your sanctuary. Give yourself the space you deserve by completing your home’s insulation with cellulose from Tropical Insulation!

More Cellulose Benefits

The benefits of soundproofing go beyond just reducing noise! You can expect improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and enhanced privacy. Imagine enjoying a peaceful night’s sleep, focusing on your work without distractions, or hosting gatherings without worrying about disturbing your neighbours.

The first step to achieving peace of mind? Contact Tropical Insulation for professional installation! Together, we’ll transform your space into a serene oasis.

Pest Resistance of Cellulose Insulation

Unwanted pests can cause significant damage to your property and create an uncomfortable living environment. Nothing is worse than finding a mouse or insect infestation! However,  with cellulose insulation, you can keep pests at bay naturally. It might sound too good to be true, but cellulose insulation contains added borates. These borates act as a deterrent for common pests such as ants, rodents and termites. So by choosing cellulose insulation, you’re adding an extra layer of defence to protect your property from infestation damage.

Eco-friendly Insulation

One of the advantages of these borates is their eco-friendliness. They provide effective pest resistance while ensuring the safety of occupants and the environment. So, not only are you protecting your home from pests, but you’re also making an environmentally responsible choice!

How Insulation Can Soundproof Your Home

How exactly does insulation work its magic in soundproofing your home? You might have thought insulation was just for temperature control. But in fact, the key lies in understanding sound transmission.


Sound can pass through walls, floors and ceilings, creating noise disturbances in your home.  However, insulation acts as a barrier, blocking and absorbing sound waves. It helps minimize airborne noise from things like conversation or television as well as impact noise from things like footsteps. Additionally, insulation helps control reverberation, preventing sound from bouncing and creating echoes.

In order to achieve optimal soundproofing, proper installation is essential.  Any gaps or improperly installed materials will lead to imperfections. That’s why the experts at Tropical Insulation can ensure that your installation goes smoothly!

Why Professional Cellulose Insulation Installation Matters

When it comes to insulation, professional installation makes all the difference. The team at Tropical Insulation brings expertise and experience to every job. The precision and attention to detail that we bring are essential for achieving long-term effectiveness.


When you trust the professionals, you ensure consistent coverage and minimized gaps or inconsistencies. Our meticulous approach guarantees optimal performance, which enhances your property’s comfort, efficiency and protection.

Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Schedule a consultation with the experts at Tropical Insulation and experience the seamless experience we provide!

Insulate Your Home With Tropical Insulation

Cellulose insulation offers exceptional soundproofing and natural pest resistance for your home. By investing in professional installation, you can enhance your property. Whether it’s comfort, energy efficiency or better protection from noise and pests, there are many reasons to choose cellulose insulation. So don’t settle for a noisy and pest-prone home when you can have the serenity and peace of mind you deserve. Take action today and contact Tropical Insulation to schedule your consultation.